
INPA is affiliated with International Portage Association (IPA), USA. International Portage Association is active in more than 90 countries of the world. IPA consists of a focussed group of professionals, parents & individuals who are interested in research, service and policies related to children with or at risk of a disability and their families.

International Portage Association

The International Portage Association is founded upon the Portage Model of Early ntervention which was developed in the U.S. in 1969, and has been replicated and introduced to more than 130 countries around the world.

Mission of International Portage Association

The IPA mission is to unite parents and professionals in promoting and developing quality services which focus on young children and their families. It is founded with the belief that families are the primary interventionists for their young children and that professionals must work in partnership with families to maximize the growth and development of young children.

IPA Executive Board

IPA Executive Board is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the operations of the International Portage Association and in maintaining the improvement, modifications and integrity of the Portage System.

David Shearer, Chair
R.J. (Sean) Cameron, Ph.D.
Julia Herwig
Tehal Kohli, Ph.D. (President of Indian Portage Association)
Demetrios Neophytou
Mollie White
Kaoru Yamaguchi, Ph.D. 

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