INPA Vision and Mission


INPA would unite Professionals, Para and Non Professionals in promoting and developing quality services, with focus on young children and their families. INPA would strive to provide vocatinal training to improve the skils of people in the primarily unorganized sector.


Our mission is to provide support services for children with disabilities, enabling them opportunities for success in conventional education and to live independently with dignity, equal rights, and opportunities focussing on inclusive education, inclusive employment and invlusive community living

Inspire and motivate and port youth from unskilled to skilled workforce by empowering them with skills for the current and the emerging needs to te commnity and allso instil values of Respect, Empathy, Integrity and Committment.

Stretegic Goals

To build a skill development ecosystem, amongst youth, unpreveliged and weaker sections of society, which will provide economic and employment growth opportunities and aid in social development.